Friday, May 18, 2007

PAC 2007

Just wanna share my experience masa jadi facilitator during PAC II and III 2007. Aku dapat PAC II (20 - 22 April)di INTURA dan PAC III (27 - 29 April) di INTIM. Di INTURA, the first night was disastrous. Apa taknye blackout dari pukul 7 malam sampai pukul 12 lebih. Session malam tu terpaksa postponed to the next day and pack sikit la on Saturday tu pasal nak habiskan semua sesi yang ada. So malam tu dengan geng2 faci termasuklah anak jati Sungai Petani, Tariq Affendi and Khairil Hilmi pi lepak kedai mamak kat Sungai Petani. Sempat la lalu Hospital Sungai Petani tempat aku dilahirkan padahal aku bukan orang Kedah. Biasala anak Polis banyak merantau.....Habis je post morterm malam Sabtu tu terus aku dengan kawan ADO Balik Pulau terus pi Penang jumpa Nazrul jambu di mamak gak. Malam tu tidur rumah Jambu. Nak jadikan cerita pagi tu flight aku pkl 830 am tapi terjaga pukul 7, kelam kabut kau. Nasib baik rumah Jambu dengan airport Bayan Lepas tak jauh dalam 10 minit. Fuh....

Di INTIM lebih relax sikit, yela pasal dah experience handling para calon the week before, mudah je la kat sini. First time aku jejak kaki kat INTIM, my first impression , walla!!!class betul environment kat sini dengan angin pantai, deruan ombak...Throughout the PAC relax and seronok je...awek2 yang datang pun boleh tahan....senyum meleret la aku apa lagi....Paling aku tak lupa breakfast kat satu kopitiam kat Kemaman masa nak balik tu....lupa lak nama dia..Hai Peng? macam tu la lebih kurang. Only one word can describe it..HEAVEN....kopi kaw, nasi lemak class, roti bakar world...aahhhhh...

On a serious note, there must be something wrong, somewhere with the MALE nowadays. In both the PAC, only 25% of the candidates are male and i think this situation in the long run will affect the PTD service. Memangla gov target nak 30% ladies dalam decision making level tapi this is far way out. Dahla calon lelaki kurang, lepas tu sorry to say this, quality so so....adala yang bagus tapi tak banyak. Even batch 2/07, 70% female and 30% male. Maybe my opinion doesn't reflect the whole population of PAC candidates tapi from the feedback i've got from the panel and's sad but true......Nevertheless, i gained a lot of experiences from these PACs and i'm looking forward for next year's PAC. Adios....

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Viva Manchester United!!!!

Yes!!!After 3 seasons or 4 years of painful waiting, the English Premier League title is back to Old Trafford. Even at the early part of the season i believe this will be Man Utd year although last week lost AC Milan was quite a bitter one. Nevertheless the team (manager, players, support staff, trainers) gave their best performance after several seasons of mediocre results (not on performance). You will never get bored watching Man Utd games, moreover with the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo, Rooney, the evergreen Giggs and Scholes, United's performance this year can be described as breathtaking, full of heart-stopping moments. Sorry Chelsea and just wait for the FA Cup final this 19th May....i'm hoping for another silverware inside the Old Trafford long list of cups. Viva Man Utd!!!!