Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Memories shall remain

Minggu lepas, sajela selongkar balik fail-fail dan khazanah lama yang ada kat rumah/office. Housekeeping la katakan. Aku pun jumpala newspaper cutting lama masa zaman kegemilangan main bola dulu. Looking back, I had so many sweet and bitter memories as a footballer. I'm still playing with same zeal but not with same power and pace. Lutut ni pun dah mula sakit-sakit. Hopefully i can stand the pain until i decided to end my career as a footballer and hang up my boots - maybe sampai 50 tahun ke, who knows. I still believe that one career in sports doesn't end because of their age. Masih boleh jadi master athlete. There are still some master athletes (40 - 55 years) that can run 100 meter under 15 sec, believe it.....Kalau boleh taknakla berhenti main sebab injury, sedih beb.....Life is short, play hard....but remember to work smart too.

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